martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

Maravillosas palabras...

Como sabéis del 9 al 20 de Noviembre "¿Te vas?" estará participando en el prestigioso Festival de Cine de Estocolmo.

De momento, aquí os dejamos las maravillosas palabras que en su página web dedican al cortometraje:

"Dialogue is sometimes needless, as in this stunningly beautiful short film signed Christina Molino. The combination of the unforgettable images and the emotionally charged film score affects and in a way words could never do. In the fairy tales, the endings always seem to be happy, at least for the princesses and princes. This time the audience is offered a glimpse of reality, where the threat against the loving couple permeates every frame—each one of them a piece of art of their own."

Pinchando aquí podréis ver este mismo texto en la web del festival.

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